Lawn Mowing
Mowing is our core business, it's what we spend most or our time doing, and what we have the most experience in. We believe our niche is in our flexibility. Whether you have a large, multi-acre, commercial property, or a small lot, we promise to listen to you, and mow your lawn the way you want it done. For instance, if you want us to mow a certain direction, or you want us to change mowing directions periodically, that's no problem. We'll even cut your front lawn at a diagonal direction, if you like! We cut at 3-3.5 inches because that is what the Missouri Extension recommends for disease and drought resistance, and we normally mulch the grass, because mulching helps fertilize your yard, hold in moisture, and despite popular belief mulching does not cause thatch. However if you want the clippings bagged (every cut or just once in a while), that's no problem but there is a extra charge to bag and dispose of the grass clippings. We also clean out our decks and sharpen the blades on a regular basis, so your grass always gets a neat, clean cut. Our mowers are commercial grade and always well-maintained. We use Exmark and Toro Commercial Mowers.
Mowing is our core business, it's what we spend most or our time doing, and what we have the most experience in. We believe our niche is in our flexibility. Whether you have a large, multi-acre, commercial property, or a small lot, we promise to listen to you, and mow your lawn the way you want it done. For instance, if you want us to mow a certain direction, or you want us to change mowing directions periodically, that's no problem. We'll even cut your front lawn at a diagonal direction, if you like! We cut at 3-3.5 inches because that is what the Missouri Extension recommends for disease and drought resistance, and we normally mulch the grass, because mulching helps fertilize your yard, hold in moisture, and despite popular belief mulching does not cause thatch. However if you want the clippings bagged (every cut or just once in a while), that's no problem but there is a extra charge to bag and dispose of the grass clippings. We also clean out our decks and sharpen the blades on a regular basis, so your grass always gets a neat, clean cut. Our mowers are commercial grade and always well-maintained. We use Exmark and Toro Commercial Mowers.
String Trimming In our opinion, makes the lawn! Performed correctly with regular mowing, really gives the lawn a neat and clean appearance. And because the skill involved in making the lawn look neat without scalping the grass, we have only our experienced crew members do the trimming. And as in mowing, we try to go the extra step to maintain customer satisfaction! For instance, we trim down unsightly weeds wherever they grow - such as cracks in driveways and patios. We also find that customers prefer a clean, edged look along driveways and sidewalks, so we turn our trimmer head to cut in a vertical direction in these areas.
Blowing off driveways, patios, and sidewalks is performed every time we visit a property. There is no additional charge for this service, it's just part of leaving the property in a neat and clean condition.
MO Extension Link- Mulching Vs Bagging Article
MO Extension Link- Lawn Maintenance Recommendations for Cool Season Grass
MO Extension Link- Lawn Maintenance Recommendations for Zoysiagrass Lawns
MO Extension Link- Turfgrass Disease Control
At Green Boys Lawncare LLC, we want to ensure that our services are providing benefit to our customers. So, we will not lock you into a mowing schedule, and continue mowing whether your lawn needs it or not. We are open to whatever mowing schedule meets your needs, and we are happy to adjust the schedule (at your request) to account for rainfall and seasonal changes. For most customers, we mow every week or every 2 weeks. Sometimes even a little more frequently in the spring. Often times these customers will skip a mowing here or there in the summer (or during a dry period), or just cut back on the schedule. This is fine, and we also have some customers who just call when they'd like their lawn mowed. Normally, we can get to a call-in within 1-3 days. We're also glad to do one time jobs, such as when you go on vacation or just get too busy. Also, if there is a certain day of the week you like the lawn cut on, we'll do our best to comply (weather permitting of course).
We do our best to keep prices low. If we are higher than a competitor, let us know and we'll see if we can match their pricing. Our minimum charge for traveling to a property and performing any lawn maintenance is $35. Lawn Mowing bids Include, Mowing, Trimming, and Blowing. Most lawns 4,000-8,000 Square Feet meet our minimum charge, however we would like to have a look at your lawn before making any final pricing arrangements. Lawns with steep hills, trampolines, fences, and corner lots for example can make lawns more difficult and make the price little bit higher. Also lawns Bagged, cut Bi-weekly or Overgrown lawns can also make your lawn more difficult and make the price little bit higher.
* The Neighbor Discount is for properties located close to one another, that have their lawns mowed on the same day. The properties must be close enough that they can be conveniently serviced with one stop of the truck and trailer. For 2 or more properties, the discount is 10% each.
* Refer a Friend Discount is for current customers who are currently on the weekly or Biweekly mowing schedule for at least 4 cuts and they refer a weekly or Biweekly Mowing customer. The Discount includes $10 dollars off the current customers next monthly bill and the referred customers monthly bill once they have 4 cuts.
Monthly Billing: We send out invoices once a month. They go out at the end of the month, for all of the work completed that month. All of the work that was completed, as well as the date it was completed, and price for each service, are detailed on your monthly invoice. We ask that you pay the invoice upon receipt. Invoices 30 days late will be subject to a service interruption.
String Trimming In our opinion, makes the lawn! Performed correctly with regular mowing, really gives the lawn a neat and clean appearance. And because the skill involved in making the lawn look neat without scalping the grass, we have only our experienced crew members do the trimming. And as in mowing, we try to go the extra step to maintain customer satisfaction! For instance, we trim down unsightly weeds wherever they grow - such as cracks in driveways and patios. We also find that customers prefer a clean, edged look along driveways and sidewalks, so we turn our trimmer head to cut in a vertical direction in these areas.
Blowing off driveways, patios, and sidewalks is performed every time we visit a property. There is no additional charge for this service, it's just part of leaving the property in a neat and clean condition.
MO Extension Link- Mulching Vs Bagging Article
MO Extension Link- Lawn Maintenance Recommendations for Cool Season Grass
MO Extension Link- Lawn Maintenance Recommendations for Zoysiagrass Lawns
MO Extension Link- Turfgrass Disease Control
At Green Boys Lawncare LLC, we want to ensure that our services are providing benefit to our customers. So, we will not lock you into a mowing schedule, and continue mowing whether your lawn needs it or not. We are open to whatever mowing schedule meets your needs, and we are happy to adjust the schedule (at your request) to account for rainfall and seasonal changes. For most customers, we mow every week or every 2 weeks. Sometimes even a little more frequently in the spring. Often times these customers will skip a mowing here or there in the summer (or during a dry period), or just cut back on the schedule. This is fine, and we also have some customers who just call when they'd like their lawn mowed. Normally, we can get to a call-in within 1-3 days. We're also glad to do one time jobs, such as when you go on vacation or just get too busy. Also, if there is a certain day of the week you like the lawn cut on, we'll do our best to comply (weather permitting of course).
We do our best to keep prices low. If we are higher than a competitor, let us know and we'll see if we can match their pricing. Our minimum charge for traveling to a property and performing any lawn maintenance is $35. Lawn Mowing bids Include, Mowing, Trimming, and Blowing. Most lawns 4,000-8,000 Square Feet meet our minimum charge, however we would like to have a look at your lawn before making any final pricing arrangements. Lawns with steep hills, trampolines, fences, and corner lots for example can make lawns more difficult and make the price little bit higher. Also lawns Bagged, cut Bi-weekly or Overgrown lawns can also make your lawn more difficult and make the price little bit higher.
* The Neighbor Discount is for properties located close to one another, that have their lawns mowed on the same day. The properties must be close enough that they can be conveniently serviced with one stop of the truck and trailer. For 2 or more properties, the discount is 10% each.
* Refer a Friend Discount is for current customers who are currently on the weekly or Biweekly mowing schedule for at least 4 cuts and they refer a weekly or Biweekly Mowing customer. The Discount includes $10 dollars off the current customers next monthly bill and the referred customers monthly bill once they have 4 cuts.
Monthly Billing: We send out invoices once a month. They go out at the end of the month, for all of the work completed that month. All of the work that was completed, as well as the date it was completed, and price for each service, are detailed on your monthly invoice. We ask that you pay the invoice upon receipt. Invoices 30 days late will be subject to a service interruption.